Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Teacher Self-Care

Let's face it, teaching is one of the hardest jobs you could ever love. Teachers work tirelessly and even though they have a seemingly great schedule, you will regularly find teachers working at home past contract hours, during vacations, and even during summer break. Although teachers generally do love what they do, they also need to take time for self care. Here are five tips for taking care of yourself, in case you have forgotten how to do it.

1. Do something you love. Some people have lots of things they love to do, while some do not have any personal hobbies. It may come as a surprise to people who have many hobbies, but there actually are people who find it hard to figure out hobbies of their own. I remember a coworker of mine who once said when our new staff was getting to know each other and sharing our hobbies, that she felt uneasy thinking about her hobbies because she really didn't have any. She determined to figure it out and she has turned her lack of a hobby into a beautiful one that she now shares with many people. I don't find it hard to have hobbies. But I do find it hard to have time for them all.  

I love to curl up and get lost in a good book. I feel sad when it comes to an end. Photography is another thing I absolutely love. I could spend hours photographing my favorite people or places. Scrapbooking has been a part of my life for many, many years and I just absolutely love it. Saving memories through scrapbooking is so important to me. Travel is something I have always enjoyed as well. Music is also something I love to do. I love to play the piano, I dabbled with the violin a few years back, and I love participating, with my husband in our church praise team. Some other hobbies I enjoy are: crafting, sewing, and of course creating for Teachers Pay Teachers. 

If you have not found your passion yet, it is an absolute must. Think about what brings you peace. What connects you to friends? What brings you joy? Those passions can be turned into something that can help you have some down time and care for yourself.

2. Get away. Unplug. Create a staycation. Go on a real vacation. You chose your level of getting away here. If you really do not have time, maybe you can just unplug for a few hours, a day, or a few days and focus on doing things for yourself, spending time with your kids or spouse. If you all have some time together, but want to stay close to home, a staycation is the perfect choice. During this school year we did a staycation over spring break and went to some local places that were within driving distance. It was perfect for us for this time. I am sure there are little places in and around your town that you pass and have never gone to. Now is your opportunity. You will be getting out of the house and spending time with your family. It does the body good to have a change of scenery every once in a while. If you can swing it, take a vacation to someplace new. We love going on road trips. It also saves a lot of money as opposed to taking a plane. Stopping at sights along the way makes it extra special. We love bringing our tent and roughing it for a few days. It feels great to be in nature and also saves so much money over spending the time in a hotel. 

3. Indulge. Watch that show you love. Eat a special treat you can't resist. Get a mani/pedi. Put some new highlights in your hair. Purchase a new outfit that makes you feel great. Take time to treat yourself to something special.  

4. Complete a project. Don't put it off any longer. Finish the quilt you started sewing 5 years ago. Clean out your closet and donate what you don't use. Paint your room with that can of paint that has been waiting for you. Finishing projects brings fulfillment to your life. It makes a big difference and makes you feel like you accomplished something.

5. Get out in nature. Nature has proven health benefits. Nature soothes your soul like nothing else. Just five minutes surrounded by nature is proven to lower stress levels. Whether it be sitting on your back porch on a cool evening, strolling through the forest, hiking up a mountain, watching the sunset at the beach, or birding, find a way to connect to nature. Whenever I do, I can literally feel the stress of life rolling away from me. It has that much power in my life. 

 Now that you have some ideas for self-care, what are you waiting for? Get out there and spend some time caring for yourself. You will thank yourself for it. 

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