Every single summer, I have a list of books I want to read or reread as I think about changes I can make for next year. I'm currently reading my third, fourth, and fifth books of the summer simultaneously. Some of these books I have read before and some are new to me and on my to read list. So here goes....my list of must reads for the summer.

Move Your Bus
I just finished this one and seriously, any book by Ron Clark is a treasure trove of great ideas and a total inspiration. This is one I had not previously read. But I highly enjoyed it. This is not the only Ron Clark book on my reading list for the summer.
I'm also reading this one. Again.

The End of Molasses Classes
I think this is probably my third read through of this one. Just so much inspiration packed between the covers of this book.
I also have read most, if not all, of this one before, but want to reread it again this summer.

The Essential 55
I just cannot get enough of Ron Clark's inspiring stories. They make me want to do better. They challenge me to stretch and grow in many ways. Ron Clark, if you did not know, was the Disney teacher of the year in the early 2000's. He has since opened his own school that also allows educators to come and be trained in their amazing methods of student engagement and excellence in education and behavior. It is my goal to someday in the next year or two attend one of the training sessions at his school.
A new read for me that I finished up today was this one.

Crash Course
This woman is also a powerhouse and the co-founder of the school that Ron Clark started. She is an amazing teacher that transforms her classroom into magical learning experiences for complete student buy-in and engagement. I've done some of this, but reading this book has just taken my ideas to a whole new level. Seriously cannot wait to try some of these.
This is one I picked up, I think, last summer. I am reading it again. It was just so inspiring. Love it!
Teach Like a Pirate
This book has lots of great ideas for student engagement. ...are you seeing a theme here?
This is one I picked up a few years ago and have on my reread list.
Teach like a Champion
Many great techniques that can be easily put into practice immediately within the classroom.
Some other new books that are waiting in my Amazon cart. I've heard some great things about this one.

Learn Like a Pirate Another one I want to read and have heard great things about from a teacher I follow and admire.

Kids Deserve It This one looks like a great read as well.

Explore Like a Pirate
Another one.

Play Like a Pirate Yet another that looks great.

Launch Here's another I want to read.

Ditch that Textbook
One for a school book club this summer. Our school uses Responsive Classroom as our behavior model. So we are all (K-6) making our way through this one. This book lays out the first six weeks of school for each grade level (through 6th) to help teachers set rules, procedures, etc. I've read the previous edition of this, but it has recently been updated and released as a 2nd edition.
The First Six Weeks of School
And one more.

The Innovator's MIndset Yeah, that's a lot of books to make my way through, but I think I can do it. Most of them seem to be easy reads.
What do you do to grow over the summer? What books are you reading?