We've been learning about the digestive system and also about taking care of our bodies. We built our own digestive system and took a piece of food throughit in a hands-on exploration that was totally gross and had the kids super excited (including my two 8th/9th grade helpers that were in the classroom during that time). You can check out that experiment over at this site. Then we made predictions about how far our food travels before it exits our bodies. And boy, were the students surprised when we measured out our entire digestive system. Such fun!
We used the Aims Education book to learn about the food pyramid and how much of each type of food we need. We talked about exercise and how that is important to keep our bodies strong and healthy.
Then last week, we focused on drugs and smoking. We started out by talking about the different types of drugs, why people do drugs, and we read a book that shared the effects of drugs on the body. I had seen something similar to this in several places on the Internet, so I made my own IPod activity for my class to use. They each received an IPod coloring sheet and could decorate it any way they wanted. Then they had a sheet that said, "This is how I tune out drugs." We drew a picture of our answer and wrote all about it. I talked to them about how it is important to decide how you will avoid drugs now before you've been tempted. You are more likely to stay strong if you determine ahead of time than if you try to say no at the moment you are tempted. I talked to them about surrounding themselves with good friends that will help them to make good decisions. I told, them from my experience, about how I never had to face drugs because I chose good friends all along. I've never been offered drugs or pressured by peers about taking drugs. We talked about how important the decisions we make now are. And I tied in (since we are a Christian school and can) the Bible verse, 1 Corinthians 6:19 Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?
The students were so excited about decorating their IPODs and it didn't seem like "work" at all. I love when they connect with what we are learning and they peppered me with questions. We discussed second-hand smoke and how to deal with parents or grandparents who smoke so that we can protect ourselves from their smoke as much as possible.
Here are some examples of the finished projects.
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Multiplication Mania
Each year, we kick off our classroom study of multiplication with Multiplication Mania Week. It's a week to get our feet wet into what times tables are, through hands-on activities that the students enjoy. Yes, math CAN be fun. (Some of them seem to think that is an impossibility, but if you were to see them during this week, you'd never realize it.)
I've been having Multiplication Mania Week for several years now, but I cannot remember exactly where (on the net) I first hear about this concept. This week is different in each classroom and this year was definitely the best one so far.
Most days we started out with multiplication bingo. We used little snack pieces such as goldfish or M&M's as markers and that made it that much more fun. There are many sites where you can download free bingo cards, but we decided to save the copies and just use our math journals to create our own. It was easier that way to make sure each child had a different card so no one would win at the same time.
We spent about 1 hour doing different math game rotations. The first day, I chose four math games and taught the class how to play them. I then divided them into four different teams and they spent about 10-15 minutes playing each game. The next day, I added several more games so that I had enough different games so that they could do a game rotation with a partner.
Here's a look at some of the games I included. All of them were easy to put together and now that they are at math centers, they are easy to maintain.
This one is Multiplication Tic-Tac-Toe. I already had a Tic-Tac-Toe board game and just threw in a set of multiplication cards. The student must draw a card and solve the problem before placing an "X" or "O" on the board. Of course, three in a row wins.
Another board game that I transitioned into a multiplication game was Connect Four. Add in a set of multiplication cards, and viola'. You have a new math game. Easy, peasy.
This one I found somewhere on Pinterest, I cannot remember where. I use to play this game for reading, though and it was called Bang. But this one is a twist on that and it is called Zap. You label popsicle sticks with multiplication problems. The players take turns pulling out a stick and solving the problem. But watch out! Some of the sticks are labeled with "Zap!" If you get zapped, you must return all your sticks to the container and play continues. Whoever has the most sticks when the time runs out or the container is empty is the winner.
Multiplication Domino War was one of the favorites. I found this one over here. The way it is played is just like war. Each player draws a domino and turns it over. They then multiply both sides of their domino together. Whoever has the larger product keeps both dominoes. If it's a tie, they each keep one domino. Whoever has the most dominoes when all the dominoes are used, is the winner. A lot of my students really loved this one.
Spiral Multiplication was another Pinterest game. I'm not sure of the website that it is found on though. It is super easy. The students use the number and ace cards from a deck to create a spiral out of the cards (as pictured). The players each use a marker to move on top of the cards. Start at the outside of the spiral. Roll one die. Move that many spaces and multiply the number on the card by the number on the die. If you correctly answer it, you stay put. If not, you must move back the number on the die. First to the center of the spiral wins.
On the final day of our multiplication mania week, we had a whole class game of Multiplication Jeopardy. I made sheets with questions for several different categories. Each category had five questions worth different amounts (100, 200, 300, 400, 500). To cover the different areas of multiplication that we were using, I chose these categories: arrays, equal groups, equations, story problems, and write a story problem.
Probably the highlight of the whole week was a math incentive that I tweaked from over here. It was our multiplication store. Each student had the opportunity to earn money based on how they did on their daily math assignment from the book. I kept it simple and followed this formula...they got $1 for an "A", 80 cents for a "B", 70 cents for a "C", 60 cents for a "D", 50 cents for an "F", and nothing for an incomplete assignment. After grading math, I placed their total at the top of a 3x5 card so they knew how much they had to spend. Parents had previously donated different items that had small pieces such as goldfish, M&M's, candy corn, pretzels, marbles, etc. Each item was priced from 2 cents up to 25 cents for some rolled candy. Students had to use their index card to fill out an order form for each item they wanted. They listed the name of the item, price, how many of that item they wanted, and then multiplied to see how much they would pay for that item. They did that for each item they wanted to purchase and then kept a running total so that they would not spend more than they had. Needless to say, they were sold!
It was a fun week and great classroom tradition. I tried lots of new things this year and had many more things planned but did not have the time to complete them. I wanted to do some multiplication art projects and also make a few multiplication cootie catchers (or fortune tellers, as some people call them), but we just did not have time to squeeze it all in. Maybe next year.
I've been having Multiplication Mania Week for several years now, but I cannot remember exactly where (on the net) I first hear about this concept. This week is different in each classroom and this year was definitely the best one so far.
Most days we started out with multiplication bingo. We used little snack pieces such as goldfish or M&M's as markers and that made it that much more fun. There are many sites where you can download free bingo cards, but we decided to save the copies and just use our math journals to create our own. It was easier that way to make sure each child had a different card so no one would win at the same time.
We spent about 1 hour doing different math game rotations. The first day, I chose four math games and taught the class how to play them. I then divided them into four different teams and they spent about 10-15 minutes playing each game. The next day, I added several more games so that I had enough different games so that they could do a game rotation with a partner.
Here's a look at some of the games I included. All of them were easy to put together and now that they are at math centers, they are easy to maintain.
This one is Multiplication Tic-Tac-Toe. I already had a Tic-Tac-Toe board game and just threw in a set of multiplication cards. The student must draw a card and solve the problem before placing an "X" or "O" on the board. Of course, three in a row wins.
Another board game that I transitioned into a multiplication game was Connect Four. Add in a set of multiplication cards, and viola'. You have a new math game. Easy, peasy.
This one I found somewhere on Pinterest, I cannot remember where. I use to play this game for reading, though and it was called Bang. But this one is a twist on that and it is called Zap. You label popsicle sticks with multiplication problems. The players take turns pulling out a stick and solving the problem. But watch out! Some of the sticks are labeled with "Zap!" If you get zapped, you must return all your sticks to the container and play continues. Whoever has the most sticks when the time runs out or the container is empty is the winner.
Multiplication Domino War was one of the favorites. I found this one over here. The way it is played is just like war. Each player draws a domino and turns it over. They then multiply both sides of their domino together. Whoever has the larger product keeps both dominoes. If it's a tie, they each keep one domino. Whoever has the most dominoes when all the dominoes are used, is the winner. A lot of my students really loved this one.
Spiral Multiplication was another Pinterest game. I'm not sure of the website that it is found on though. It is super easy. The students use the number and ace cards from a deck to create a spiral out of the cards (as pictured). The players each use a marker to move on top of the cards. Start at the outside of the spiral. Roll one die. Move that many spaces and multiply the number on the card by the number on the die. If you correctly answer it, you stay put. If not, you must move back the number on the die. First to the center of the spiral wins.
There were several more games that we played that were not pictured. My personal favorite was one called Fit that was played with Lego's. Here's a link to that one. And other fun one used arrays. It was a great game for visualization the multiplication problems on graph paper. Here's the link.
Each day, we also had drills. This year I adopted a new program called Kicking It! Multiplication that has been a big hit in my classroom. Previously, we have done mad minutes, but I like this new program for several reasons. One reason is that it is based on brain research. Also, the students still get a timed drill, but they also have verbal practice. And the best reason of all is that this program is set up with a Karate theme. Students can move up levels and earn belts for learning a certain amount of facts. It's amazing! I purchased it over here on TPT if you are interested. She also sells it in a addition/subtraction version.How fun is that? Here's a look at my class practicing for their yellow belts before the timing.
On the final day of our multiplication mania week, we had a whole class game of Multiplication Jeopardy. I made sheets with questions for several different categories. Each category had five questions worth different amounts (100, 200, 300, 400, 500). To cover the different areas of multiplication that we were using, I chose these categories: arrays, equal groups, equations, story problems, and write a story problem.
Probably the highlight of the whole week was a math incentive that I tweaked from over here. It was our multiplication store. Each student had the opportunity to earn money based on how they did on their daily math assignment from the book. I kept it simple and followed this formula...they got $1 for an "A", 80 cents for a "B", 70 cents for a "C", 60 cents for a "D", 50 cents for an "F", and nothing for an incomplete assignment. After grading math, I placed their total at the top of a 3x5 card so they knew how much they had to spend. Parents had previously donated different items that had small pieces such as goldfish, M&M's, candy corn, pretzels, marbles, etc. Each item was priced from 2 cents up to 25 cents for some rolled candy. Students had to use their index card to fill out an order form for each item they wanted. They listed the name of the item, price, how many of that item they wanted, and then multiplied to see how much they would pay for that item. They did that for each item they wanted to purchase and then kept a running total so that they would not spend more than they had. Needless to say, they were sold!
It was a fun week and great classroom tradition. I tried lots of new things this year and had many more things planned but did not have the time to complete them. I wanted to do some multiplication art projects and also make a few multiplication cootie catchers (or fortune tellers, as some people call them), but we just did not have time to squeeze it all in. Maybe next year.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
When Things Just Work
Who knew something so simple would spark so much in the children. I LOVE that! We've been learning all about the different ways to build comprehension. We recently completed our learning about summarizing and have moved on to visualization. I love this book. It was the perfect link today for our visualization talk. We started with an activity here using four simple lunch bags. Each bag had one item inside. We talked about picturing things in our minds, but since we are just finishing up our unit on Helen Keller, this fit in nicely. Students had to feel instead of see what was in each bag. Then we made a picture of the item in our minds. We spoke about what we were picturing and how even though we had technically seen nothing, we could still visualize the item due to previous experiences we have had with these common items. This also tied in nicely with our unit on adjectives and we used some of them to describe what we were feeling inside each bag. The students in my class were really excited about feeling what was in each bag. And you and I both know that excited students equals high levels of learning. In the middle of my lesson, I altered things (I do that when a great idea hits me randomly). We took a blank white paper and folded it into fourths then numbered each of the fourths from one to four. Next, while reading the Bible story for today, we stopped every few minutes to do a quick sketch. We were really able to dig deep into visualizing and discus the images that our story was evoking in their minds. We talked about including feelings, etc. Simple, right? But very meaningful to my students today and they really seemed to connect and make sense of what we were learning. I just love moments like that.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Underground Railroad
I love that our classes somehow coincided this past quarter. I love that we were studying about George Washington Carver, a former slave, while also learning about the underground railroad. I love that we also had chapter books to do book groups with for reading. For me, I am able to pull so much more out of the students and really submerse them in the information we are learning.
The students loved learning about Henry "Box" Brown and how he escaped to freedom by mailing himself. They even got to try out a box to see how it would feel to be squeezed in there for a day or so (Of course we just stayed in the box for a few seconds).
Students getting ready to shut me inside the box. They all tried it and of course wanted me to try it too.
We also learned about the secret code that slaves used on the underground railroad and how many of the codes were sewn into quilts. We created a quilt code collage during art class.
My favorite activity was the culminating simulation that we had. I am so fortunate to have wonderful parent volunteers to help out on days like this and the other teachers were great about allowing my students to use their rooms as needed for the day. Here's how it basically worked: the students were split into different groups. Some were slaves, some were conductors on the underground railroadd, some were bounty hunters, and some were slave catchers. The slaves were to follow their conductor, who had a map of the school showing all the "safe houses" which were located in certain classrooms. In each safe house, the students were suppose to collect a ticket to prove that they had been to that safe house. They had to collect three different colors of tickets before they could make their way across the field at our school and touch the back fence, which was "Canada." Meanwhile, slave catchers were looking for safe houses to close down. If they spotted a safe house, they were to take all the tickets, leaving it useless. And the bounty hunters were guarding the path to freedom and trying to stop any slaves they could.
(A "safe house" that had been shut down by the slave catchers.)
(One conductor, holding a copy of the map and three safe house tickets, after reaching freedom in "Canada".)
When we were done, we debriefed by discussing our experiences and writing about them too. And I think all students were in agreement that they wanted to do it again. It was definitely the perfect ending to our unit.
Here are some of the books that we used in our class during our unit.
What was the Underground Railroad
Who was Harriet Tubman
Midnight Journey
Henry's Freedom Box
Underground Railroad Simulation (This is the simulation I used for the Underground Railroad Activity
Underground Railroad Bundle This pack is by Courtney Eller (Blue Ridge Second Grade Days). We used the quilt part to inspire our art projects. I wish I had not passed them back to the students before taking pictures. Some turned out really great.
Heroes of the Underground Railroad I really loved this pack by Little Red's Schoolhouse. I used it for comprehension building. It would be great for Close reading too. I loved that the students got to hear about all sorts of people who worked on the underground railroad. We could speak a lot about determination and also about character. These people were risking their lives so many times to help others. Really, a great read. We did two of these each Friday during our unit.
The students loved learning about Henry "Box" Brown and how he escaped to freedom by mailing himself. They even got to try out a box to see how it would feel to be squeezed in there for a day or so (Of course we just stayed in the box for a few seconds).
Students getting ready to shut me inside the box. They all tried it and of course wanted me to try it too.
We also learned about the secret code that slaves used on the underground railroad and how many of the codes were sewn into quilts. We created a quilt code collage during art class.
My favorite activity was the culminating simulation that we had. I am so fortunate to have wonderful parent volunteers to help out on days like this and the other teachers were great about allowing my students to use their rooms as needed for the day. Here's how it basically worked: the students were split into different groups. Some were slaves, some were conductors on the underground railroadd, some were bounty hunters, and some were slave catchers. The slaves were to follow their conductor, who had a map of the school showing all the "safe houses" which were located in certain classrooms. In each safe house, the students were suppose to collect a ticket to prove that they had been to that safe house. They had to collect three different colors of tickets before they could make their way across the field at our school and touch the back fence, which was "Canada." Meanwhile, slave catchers were looking for safe houses to close down. If they spotted a safe house, they were to take all the tickets, leaving it useless. And the bounty hunters were guarding the path to freedom and trying to stop any slaves they could.
(A "safe house" that had been shut down by the slave catchers.)
(One conductor, holding a copy of the map and three safe house tickets, after reaching freedom in "Canada".)
When we were done, we debriefed by discussing our experiences and writing about them too. And I think all students were in agreement that they wanted to do it again. It was definitely the perfect ending to our unit.
Here are some of the books that we used in our class during our unit.

Who was Harriet Tubman
Midnight Journey
Henry's Freedom Box
Underground Railroad Simulation (This is the simulation I used for the Underground Railroad Activity
Heroes of the Underground Railroad I really loved this pack by Little Red's Schoolhouse. I used it for comprehension building. It would be great for Close reading too. I loved that the students got to hear about all sorts of people who worked on the underground railroad. We could speak a lot about determination and also about character. These people were risking their lives so many times to help others. Really, a great read. We did two of these each Friday during our unit.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Super Improvers Wall
I love the idea I ran across, a few years ago, of the super improvers wall from whole brain teaching. The thought behind this is to recognize students who are improving. Students start at the bottom level. Each child has a white card with their name on it to begin with. For improvement, they earn a star. After ten stars, they move up a level. There is not a bunch of prizes or anything like that attached to the different levels, but some (not all) may have a surprise behind them such as being the line leader or some other privilege that kids love. What's great is that a student does not have to be good at their classwork to earn stars. Stars are for improvement in any area. So if a student keeps a messy desk and I notice that they are being more organized for a few days, I might reward them with a star. Or if a child has behavior challenges and I can really see that they are working on that, I will reward them with a star. It can also work for improvements in classwork. If a student always bombs the weekly spelling test and I see that the past couple of weeks they have studied and passed the test, I will reward them with a star. It's a very simple thing, but the students look forward to earning the stars and being noticed for trying harder to improve in a certain area.
Here are some links to other sites that have their own super improvers wall. If you would like the photoshop file, leave a comment below with your email address.
Here are some links to other sites that have their own super improvers wall. If you would like the photoshop file, leave a comment below with your email address.
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Losing Sleep
As any great teacher knows, there is a lot of sleep lost the closer the beginning of a new school year gets. For me, that new school year marked my 16th beginning. It was August 11. And all summer I was torn about how I wanted to see my classroom. I had two theme ideas picked out. Several years ago I ran across this book called Creating a Yearlong Theme and it really changed me as a teacher. For the past couple of years, I have really gotten into adding that special spark to my room with a theme that I can use all year. Last year, I put together a circus theme, which was great because part of our curriculum was learning about the 50 states. And of course a circus travels all over our country, so I held on to that idea and ran with it.
This year, thanks to Pinterest, I had even more ideas swirling, keeping me up at night. I finally decided that I would do a camping theme and once I decided, I was super excited and ready to get down to business.
Here's a shot of my entire classroom, which is very long and narrow. You can see my classroom library, but I will do another post about how I organized all that later.
I was most excited about my morning meeting area. I have my master's degree in outdoor education, so naturally I love the great outdoors. I am loving have the feel of a campsite right inside my classroom, and the students were all pretty excited too. That tent is definitely a prime location during Daily 5 reading time. Also I sewed these little log cushions for each student and a felt fire too for the center, so when we meet, we meet around the campfire like a real camp. (So fun!)
Here's a close-up view of the front of the meeting area. I borrowed two Christmas trees from my coworkers and put some real pine cones on the branches along with a bird nest and a bird. Later I added some forest stuffed animals that are not pictured here. You can see the wolf, though, and an old hollow long. I keep a stuffed animal inside of that too. The picnic basket is the perfect place to store my mentor books. We often meet right here during writer's workshop. Also, you notice the picket fence. I have long and skinny flower pots behind that and am planning to fill those with plants or maybe plant some grass. The camp sign was a perfect addition for me. My dad was kind enough to spend some time cutting it and getting it just right. We used an old pallet for the arrows and purchased a 4X4 and 2X4 for the stand.
I could not part with my big "Read" sign. I'm all about reading and getting my students reading and learning...so it stayed right where it was from last year. There's also a little desk next to my door. I store a tray of whiteboards there for easy access. We have a bulletin board for announcements and a calendar. My dad also made that bulletin board for me a couple of summers ago and I thought it would still work for my new theme. I dressed it up with a mossy wreath from Michael's and an Owl that looks like it is carved from wood. That owl came from Old Time Pottery. On the top shelf of the bookcase there are four little frames that I purchased from Ikea for 99 cents each. I have my students split into groups that we call cabins (I so stole this idea from Ron Clark, who splits his entire school into tribes). And there is one colored frame for each team and also each group has a tree stump with a matching ribbon to earn honors hanging on the wall (I'll tell you all about that later too.),
If you know of Whole Brain Teaching, then you know about the super improvers wall. This is my super improvers wall. I wanted to take the idea, but also make it my own, so I created these little cards that matched my theme. I will do a whole post about those soon.
My homework club for students who turn in their assignments all month. If they don't turn in an assignment on time, they have their firefly moved to the outside of the jar. I was super excited about how these turned out. I wanted something, again, that matched my theme. Photoshop to the rescue!
I loved the idea of having one little word that could be our inspiration for the year. Ali Edwards has inspired me to do this personally, but I had never chosen one for my classroom until this year. I decided on "grow" because it has so much meaning to a class of students. For me, I wanted to see them grow academically throughout the year. To learn the hard things that, coming in through my door on the first day, they did not already know. I wanted to see them grow in their relationships with each other. I wanted to see them mature as they move one year closer to adulthood. And I most importantly wanted to see them grow spiritually (I teach at a small, private, Christian school.). I think it was important to tell them all that this word meant for us this year. If I had not, most would probably have stopped at the obvious. They will all grow in height throughout our next several months together.
Those letters came from Joanne's (one or two at a time because I HAD to use my 40% off coupons, of course!). I covered them with a mossy sheet that came from Michaels. I absolutely LOVE how they turned out. They are a little tipsy, but I'm O.K. with that because I just used the two mushrooms I got at Old Time Pottery to stabilize them and it all looked really cute together.
I was excited to find this little owl at Kirklands. It was a candle holder, but the moment I saw it, I knew it would be great for a pencil cup.
It may be hard to tell, but this is a board with five vases. There are no flowers there right now, but won't it look lovely? I just love the rustic look and the jars too. Can't wait to fill them with flowers.
One more touch was to add a set of three candy jars to the corner by my sink. It gave just a splash of color and looks fun right there. I filled one far with colorful feathers that I had gotten a while back from Michael's for another project, but never used. Then I filled the center jar with tiny pinecones from my parents' yard. And the last jar I filled with felted acorns that a friend of mine gave me a few years ago.
I'm so excited about how everything came together. Yes it was a lot of work, but it was all worth it. I love to create an atmosphere like this because it makes learning so much more exciting. Students really get into guessing what my next theme will be. And I love to hear them chattering at open house about it all. And of course it creates an environment that they actually look forward to spending their time each day working in. So there you have it... my room.
This year, thanks to Pinterest, I had even more ideas swirling, keeping me up at night. I finally decided that I would do a camping theme and once I decided, I was super excited and ready to get down to business.
Here's a shot of my entire classroom, which is very long and narrow. You can see my classroom library, but I will do another post about how I organized all that later.
I was most excited about my morning meeting area. I have my master's degree in outdoor education, so naturally I love the great outdoors. I am loving have the feel of a campsite right inside my classroom, and the students were all pretty excited too. That tent is definitely a prime location during Daily 5 reading time. Also I sewed these little log cushions for each student and a felt fire too for the center, so when we meet, we meet around the campfire like a real camp. (So fun!)
Here's a close-up view of the front of the meeting area. I borrowed two Christmas trees from my coworkers and put some real pine cones on the branches along with a bird nest and a bird. Later I added some forest stuffed animals that are not pictured here. You can see the wolf, though, and an old hollow long. I keep a stuffed animal inside of that too. The picnic basket is the perfect place to store my mentor books. We often meet right here during writer's workshop. Also, you notice the picket fence. I have long and skinny flower pots behind that and am planning to fill those with plants or maybe plant some grass. The camp sign was a perfect addition for me. My dad was kind enough to spend some time cutting it and getting it just right. We used an old pallet for the arrows and purchased a 4X4 and 2X4 for the stand.
I could not part with my big "Read" sign. I'm all about reading and getting my students reading and learning...so it stayed right where it was from last year. There's also a little desk next to my door. I store a tray of whiteboards there for easy access. We have a bulletin board for announcements and a calendar. My dad also made that bulletin board for me a couple of summers ago and I thought it would still work for my new theme. I dressed it up with a mossy wreath from Michael's and an Owl that looks like it is carved from wood. That owl came from Old Time Pottery. On the top shelf of the bookcase there are four little frames that I purchased from Ikea for 99 cents each. I have my students split into groups that we call cabins (I so stole this idea from Ron Clark, who splits his entire school into tribes). And there is one colored frame for each team and also each group has a tree stump with a matching ribbon to earn honors hanging on the wall (I'll tell you all about that later too.),
If you know of Whole Brain Teaching, then you know about the super improvers wall. This is my super improvers wall. I wanted to take the idea, but also make it my own, so I created these little cards that matched my theme. I will do a whole post about those soon.
My homework club for students who turn in their assignments all month. If they don't turn in an assignment on time, they have their firefly moved to the outside of the jar. I was super excited about how these turned out. I wanted something, again, that matched my theme. Photoshop to the rescue!
I loved the idea of having one little word that could be our inspiration for the year. Ali Edwards has inspired me to do this personally, but I had never chosen one for my classroom until this year. I decided on "grow" because it has so much meaning to a class of students. For me, I wanted to see them grow academically throughout the year. To learn the hard things that, coming in through my door on the first day, they did not already know. I wanted to see them grow in their relationships with each other. I wanted to see them mature as they move one year closer to adulthood. And I most importantly wanted to see them grow spiritually (I teach at a small, private, Christian school.). I think it was important to tell them all that this word meant for us this year. If I had not, most would probably have stopped at the obvious. They will all grow in height throughout our next several months together.
Those letters came from Joanne's (one or two at a time because I HAD to use my 40% off coupons, of course!). I covered them with a mossy sheet that came from Michaels. I absolutely LOVE how they turned out. They are a little tipsy, but I'm O.K. with that because I just used the two mushrooms I got at Old Time Pottery to stabilize them and it all looked really cute together.
I was excited to find this little owl at Kirklands. It was a candle holder, but the moment I saw it, I knew it would be great for a pencil cup.
It may be hard to tell, but this is a board with five vases. There are no flowers there right now, but won't it look lovely? I just love the rustic look and the jars too. Can't wait to fill them with flowers.
One more touch was to add a set of three candy jars to the corner by my sink. It gave just a splash of color and looks fun right there. I filled one far with colorful feathers that I had gotten a while back from Michael's for another project, but never used. Then I filled the center jar with tiny pinecones from my parents' yard. And the last jar I filled with felted acorns that a friend of mine gave me a few years ago.
I'm so excited about how everything came together. Yes it was a lot of work, but it was all worth it. I love to create an atmosphere like this because it makes learning so much more exciting. Students really get into guessing what my next theme will be. And I love to hear them chattering at open house about it all. And of course it creates an environment that they actually look forward to spending their time each day working in. So there you have it... my room.
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