Sunday, July 21, 2019

Start the School Year: How do You Teach Respect

To start the school year, it is imperative that you create a family atmosphere of respect in your classroom. The students within your walls need to know that they have a place to belong. They need to know that other students are pulling for them and celebrating with them and looking out for them. 

One of the ways to do this is to make sure that everyone knows everyone else's name and can pronounce it at closely as possible (perfect pronunciations can be impossible because our brains are born with the ability to use every sound, in every language, in the world, but by a young age, if our language does not use that sound, we lose it). Do not allow students to call each other by other names. This will help alleviate name calling.

Teach students how to show respect in their conversations and discussions. It is OK not to agree with one another. It is NEVER OK to put someone down because of their beliefs. Students will not naturally know how to disagree appropriately. Show them how. Teach them that you can still like someone when you do not see eye to eye.

Check in with your students. Have them them celebrate the helpers in the class. Make this the culture of your room. Students want to be recognized. Let it be for something positive.

Hang posters with quotes to encourage respect on your walls. Students will have a constant reminder of the importance of respect and friendship. 

You can grab these posters for free in my tpt store by clicking the picture below. 

Respect your students. If your student does not want to talk about something that is bothering him/her, give some space until he/she is ready. Speak with respect, including your tone. Just as you would not want a student to disrespect you in the way they talk or what they say, return the favor. If you must reprimand a child, try to do so quietly or outside of the classroom if at all possible.

Respect is a two way street. It can be taught. Students can and should be held to a standard of high respect not just for you, but for their classmates as well.

If you are interested in the respectful discussion posters, you can find them by clicking the photo below.

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