Monday, April 8, 2019


Planning a room transformation can take a lot of work, but also can be a lot of fun. Here are my top tips for creating a transformation in your class. 

1. Start early, seriously DO NOT wait until you want to do the room transformation to begin the planning. These things take time. Give yourself a few weeks (at least) if possible. 

2. I begin with an idea of what I want to turn my room into. Here are some of the previous transformations: 

glamping (glamourous camping...think camper vs. tent)
a rock mine
a block party
jurassic park
operating room

3. Next, and this is the most important part, connect your transformation to your learning. Think about what you want the kiddos to learn or practice. Find ways to tie it in to your theme. 

4. Research: Yes, search the interwebs. There are so many amazing ideas that have already been done that you can use or tweak or gather inspiration from, why reinvent the wheel? Save yourself some time, lady (or gentlemen) and borrow some ideas from someone else. It's totally O.K. 

5. Gather Supplies: This can be done in multiple ways. You really do not have to spend a lot of money to make the room fabulous for your class. Think about what you already have that you can use. Ask other teachers. Teachers usually have tons of stuff and are willing to let you borrow whatever you need. Ask for donations from parents and stores. Many will donate what you are in need of. As a last resort, depending on your budget, you could purchase some of the items as well. Amazon is a great place to look, as is the good 'ole Dollar Tree. 

6. Schedule Some Time: You need time to work on making items for your transformation and setting up. Are you going simple or extravagant? Let that guide you as to how long you will need. I would definitely wait until the night before, or even better, over a weekend, to set things up so that the surprise is not spoiled...and here is a secret tip. Keep it to yourself unless you want the word out ahead of time. I have had teacher friends who have let the students in on my secret more than once, ruining the surprise factor for them. I like to think they were just overly excited themselves, but still...

7. Classroom Management: Some students can get a little crazy when things are out of the norm. Be strict about classroom behavior and participation. If the class cannot handle it, no matter how long it took you, be sure they know (and be serious about it) that a transformation is a privilege and that if that privilege is misused, it will be packed away and the magic will be over. 

8. Start Simple: If you are just getting started, I would suggest starting simple with a mini transformation. Add one or two decorations and throw on a costume. It can be overwhelming when creating a large-scale transformation but once you get your feet wet, you'll be feeling ready.

9. Self Care: On the afternoon after you teach in a transformed room, you will be thoroughly and utterly a good way, but still... Find a way to relax and recover. You will need it. Go home, light the candles, take a bath, each some chocolate, watch your latest guilty pleasure on T.V., just take some time to relax and celebrate your hard work.

10. Get Others Involved: If you can, have another class join you. This is super fun, although you will have to compromise so if you are set on how you want everything, you may want to skip this tip. But...two heads are always better than one. And...many hands make the work lighter. Just sayin'

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